Femvy Blackhead Remover



Who doesn’t have unwanted blackheads and clogged pores on their face somewhere? Well, at Bay Beauty we have just decided to up the anti with treating them in our facials! Blackheads be gone! The Femvy Blackhead Remover is the perfect solution for clogged pores, uneven skin tone and dullness. The pore vacuum can easily extract blackheads and buildup straight from your pores so we can include the use of this brilliant tool to any facial.

The Femvy Blackhead Remover doesn’t just give your skin a deep clean and help reduce acne, it also combats signs of ageing, brightens skin, improves hyper-pigmentation and sun damage and smooths uneven skin tone.


Benefits Include: 

* Smoother, more even skin texture

* Brighter skin 

* Shrinks enlarged pores

* Improved appearance of fine lines & wrinkles

* Reduction in blackheads and breakouts

* Glowing complexion

* Improved circulation

* Improved product absorption

* Removes flakey skin & dryness

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